Pet Cremation Service in Westchester, NY

Aqua cremation is a method of final disposition that is available for our pet loved ones. The scientific name for this water-based process is alkaline hydrolysis. Aquamation (also called water-based cremation, alkaline hydrolysis, bio-cremation, green cremation, and flameless cremation) is an emerging form of body and pet cremation that is gentler to the environment. It is the same process that occurs as part of nature’s course when a body is laid to rest in the soil. Our bio-friendly approach uses alkaline hydrolysis to essentially accelerate what takes place in natural decomposition. A combination of gentle water flow, temperature, and alkalinity is used to accelerate the breakdown of organic materials.
Essentially, the aqua cremation process is an accelerated form of soil during natural decomposition. The pet remains are respectfully placed inside a stainless steel chamber, and the alkalinity, water flow, and warm temperature are used to speed up the breakdown of soft tissues.
The process can also be used on the remains of a large animal like a horse. In the end and after drying up of the sterile water solution, only the powdered mineral ash of the pet’s bones will remain. Generally, alkaline hydrolysis is an accepted “green” procedure of breaking down pets, humans, and animal remains.
Where Can Pet Owners and Veterinarians Get The Best Cremation Services
At Compassionate Care Pet Aquamation, our services are respectful, quality, and convenient to our clients, most pet owners, and veterinarians. We currently offer aquamation services in New York City Metropolitan areas, including Westchester, Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Connecticut, Nassau County, and Suffolk County.
How Do We Make Sure Pet Owners Get The Individual Aquamation of Their Pets
We use an identification tag for tracking your beloved pet from the moment we get their remains until the time of giving them back with their tag. Every pet’s tag has a unique serial number attached to them, and we check it at all stages to ensure it stays with them throughout the process. The pet is also placed on their compartment to ensure they are kept separately from the remains of other pets. This guarantees that you’ll only receive your pet’s mineral bone ashes.
Reasons why Ash Remains after Aquamation are More Whiter In Color Different Than Those of Flame Cremation
The pet’s ash remains after aquamation are 20% more than those of flame cremation. Some pet bones are destroyed during incineration or cremation and expelled into the air or atmosphere. After the aqua cremation process, the bone remains of the pet are rinsed and dried in the air to form a white or sand-like powder. Ash color can vary due to a variety of factors such as animal health, age, pigmentation and bone density.
The powdered remains are lighter in color than in the cremation method because there is no carbon discoloration during aquamation. Also, after the aqua cremation process, the remains are extremely brittle because they only contain bone mineral calcium phosphate.
Safety of the Aquamation Method
The water-based solution contains 5% alkali (potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide) and 95% water. This alkali solution is very safe, and it’s similar to the one used for shaving creams, cosmetic products, body washes, and even food preparation. At the end of the procedure, the chemical will have been fully neutralized and consumed and would no longer be in the water solution.
Also, the bone remains are 100% safe to handle with your bare hands shortly after the procedure. They’re are free of pathogens and other diseases. They’re also environmentally safe to scatter on the ground or return to nature in your backyard or favorite spot.
Also, it is important to note that no acid is used, and the alkali works like mother nature or the soil’s natural elements. The aquamation technique is gentle and does not boil or improperly handle the bones and body of your pet.
What You Can Do With Your Pet’s Remains
There are numerous brilliant memorial ideas that pet lovers can utilize with the acquainted remains of their pets. Some common ways include keeping them in urns, burying or scattering them in a special spot. Others include mixing the powdered remains into the soil when planting a memorial plant, tree, or garden. They can also be incorporated into art, paintings, ceramics, tattoos (they can be pet’s paw print, body, or face), or glass jewelry. Most recently, pet owners are solidifying the acquainted ashes of their departed companion into parting “stones.” They can be made into fireworks and even synthetic diamonds. The ashes can be mixed with concrete for the ocean’s memorial reefs, statues, and even stepping stones.
How You Can Incorporate Your Pet’s Aquamated Ashes Into A Memorial Planting
The pet’s ashes after aquamation are pure calcium phosphate which can be utilized as a fertilizer. However, you must use the right quantity because too much can damage the soil or your plants.
You can use calcium phosphate more appropriately in organic soil that has a pH <7.0. It will be broken down easily and in a form that the plant will use slowly for up to months. However, you will first mix it into the soil and water the plant regularly, especially during the planting period.
You can also utilize the ashes of your beloved companion at a lower rate in a larger area or project. Your departed pet will now be part of a new living thing for you to remember them and enjoy their presence. It’s also a great way to say goodbye in a way that is environmentally friendly and unique.
Aquamation is a well-established technology, and it has only recently started to be utilized by pet owners, veterinarians, pet clinic owners, and other players in the pet industry. Compassionate Care Aquamation is one of the few companies that have adopted the most recent technology in the aquamation technique. That explains why we have a greater experience in its use than other aquamation services providers.
We understand what a difficult time feels like when pet lovers lose their companion and true friend who they have lived with for years. It’s the reason why we are passionate about providing pet aquamation services in an environmentally friendly manner and which has the benefits of having your pet as close to you as possible.
Our aftercare services are also exceptional; our priority also includes providing all the necessary assistance with a respectful service for you and your pet as you celebrate their life.
All you need to do is give us a call for any advice, service, or assistance on pet aquamation services. Share with us your story and tell us your memorial wishes. We will help you create and execute the best memorial ideas for your pet.
Our complete aqua cremation service is highly efficient, and we will help you decide on the best way to use your friend’s ashes if you choose not to keep them in their special urns. Give us a call if you’re in Westchester or any other part of the greater New York City metropolitan area. Contact us for the best support of the final respect of your beloved pet.